We are experienced buyers of liquidated merchandise, closeouts and distressed products. We are interested in a wide variety of product. We buy general consumer merchandise in many categories including toys, gifts, novelties, home goods, ad specialties, promotional products, mail order items, electronics and more. We purchase excess inventory in any size and variety. Call us today or fill out the submission form and get started today
Inventory Liquidation Buyers purchases closeouts and overstock merchandise. When you sell to Inventory Liquidation Buyers, our experience guarantees that the deal is done right. If needed, we take every precaution to see that the vendor’s primary distribution channel is not disrupted. Our state of the art warehouses can receive and distribute any size inventories. This allows our buying team to make the decision your merchandise requires. We specialize in the liquidations of all kinds of merchandise and closeouts.
Surplus inventory liquidation can be a major challenge for any company and especially considering that it is a new concept to many business owners. However, with the help of surplus liquidators like ourselves, this process can go smoothly, and bringing your company much needed benefits by reducing your risk by not allowing inventory to sit around to waste money. When you’re planning on liquidating you’re closeout inventory going through a the liquidation plan by collecting all the items you’re looking to sell will allow you to take full advantage of your recovery value of all your excess stock.
We purchase all types of distressed and unwanted inventory, including:
Closeouts, Customer Returns, Shelf-Pulls, Discountinued
products, Overstocks, Over-Runs, Abandoned Freight, Rejected
and Cancelled Orders, Packaging Changes, Out-Of-Date
Product, Etc.
We buy all many categories of products including (not limited to):
General Merchandise, Health & Beauty Products (HBA),
Electronics, Apparel, Tools & Equipment, Home Decor, Toys,
Appliances, Home Kitchen Items, Furniture, Office Supplies,
Jewelry, Home Products, Lighting & Lamps, Lawn & Garden,
Home Improvement, Sporting Goods, Licensed Merchandise,
Seasonal Products and Others